Kroger's Owned Grocery Stores - Moms Across America

Kroger's Owned Grocery Stores

Join us for a Day of Action at Kroeger's owned stores February 22-26!

A new study by Friends of the Earth and allies found that breakfast cereal, apples, applesauce, and pinto beans made and sold by Kroger contain residues of toxic pesticides linked to a range of serious health and environmental problems.

The study found residues of cancer-causing glyphosate, brain-damaging organophosphates, and bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides. This is nothing short of alarming.

Kroger should not be selling any food to consumers that is grown with these toxic pesticides. It has pledged to phase out pesticide use on the plants they sell -- but we need your help demanding the company get these toxic pesticides out of our children’s food.  

Tell Kroger to stop selling food grown with Dow’s toxic brain-damaging chemical!

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Please download and print these flyers to pass out at your grocery store.

Please download and print this letter and bring it to your Kroger's store on February 22-26, 2019.






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